A recent study published in this month’s American Journal of
Infection Control evaluated the effectiveness of hand hygiene posters placed in
a hospital’s cafeteria. The study was conducted over a 5 week period
and had three phases which tracked hand hygiene compliance before, during, and
after a poster has been placed next to the hand sanitizer stand. The study found that hospital visitors used
sanitizers significantly more frequently during and after the poster was put up
than before, suggesting that the poster was effective at inducing people to
change behavior.
In the article’s conclusions, the author described key
characteristics of the poster design. The
poster was large and highly visible to visitors, it had bright graphics, a
persuasive message that highlights the benefits of hand hygiene, and offered
practical advice. Unpleasant images,
passive training, and reminder messages were not included in the design.
To see the actual poster, please go to the article link